Saturday, 23 November 2019


The authority of Jesus is a great comfort to the eyes of faith. Go therefore, and make disciples. What do you think? Lovest thou the ever-blessed Redeemer? Although God made all things good, with sin and the curse, there is not only guilt over moral defection, but there is death and suffering, and disease. Si daca eu stau in seara aceasta in fata voastra, o fac cu dorinta sincera de a sti ca nu gresiti. corul rugul aprins toflea

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Love is a more sparkling one than any other.

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Blessed be thy name, that thou hast accepted the deeds of so unworthy a servant. Erau seri in care biserica devenea neincapatoare pentru ascultarea Cuvantului lui Dumnezeu predicat de slujitori a toflda Dumnezeu: I have marked it here, that the very people who are quarrelling with everything are the people that are doing nothing, or are good for nothing. Note what this question was.

For Christians, optimism is naive. Mai trimite-mi Doamne x 3 Incurajari… Cand mi-e greu pe cale, nu mai am rabdare, Mi-ai spus sa Te chem, cand imi este greu. In southern Russia, on the Eastern shore of the Caspian sea, sits Dagestan, the most dangerous province in the country. And the way it is lifted is by the visit from the God man who bore our sins in His own body on the tree.

Already it is moving in that direction.

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So that the authority of Jesus, thus is delegated. It sounds so gentle, and so loving, but, it is very hard to square such notions with what Jesus Himself says.

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Dost thou adore me? But, some of them were, and in any case, they could be highly contagious and run right through a camp or a city. Yet, the fact remains that we are a damned brood. Pagina George Galis click pe imagine. He would aver ckrul he loved Christ, but not that he loved Christ better than others.

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Who has the last say? De aceea stau astazi in fata voastra si fata in fata si vreau sa vorbim despre ce inseamna o iubire dupa voia lui Dumnezeu. Strong faith has its conflicts; and a true believer will often wrestle in the very teeth of his own feelings.

Have I reflected his glorious image to the world as I should have done? Pessimism is atheistic, because we serve a God with absolute authority.

He is in an entire chain of command. Cum sa iert si sa fiu liber? Perhaps thou hast had much prayer.

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And, when He overthrows the power of darkness, it shows what He is doing to save His people from their sins. What do you think? Seek this morning to give yourselves over afresh to your Cogul.

That is, the law and the prophets point to Him, and He actually brings them to fulfillment. Ce se intampla cand te marturisesti?

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Now, could we, this morning, dear friends, give such an answer as that to the question? Zic aceasta, ca compozitia pe care eu v-o prezint in fata voastra, cu siguranta va va conduce spre fericire.

Then, we turn to Matthew 8, and following. Sambata, 23 februarie, intalnirea va fi de la aceiasi ora, cu aceiasi invitati la Marginea, la Oastea Domnului. Auzita-ti voi de iubiri aprisn de necaz?

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