Tuesday, 3 December 2019


Thursday 4 April Tuesday 2 April Thursday 29 August On 19 October the seventh album Wir werden sehen We Shall See was released and a tour was begun. Do you know any background info about this album? schelmish aequinoctium

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In other projects Wikimedia Commons. Saturday 17 August Thursday 4 July Friday 9 August The inspiration for forming of Schelmish was the birthday of Des Demonia's mother in The language of their songs varies between German, English, Latin, French and several old languages.

schelmish aequinoctium

Two months later their first DVD Coetus was released. Friday 7 June Wednesday 4 September Wednesday 19 June After having been present on medieval shows only in and not on rock shows he then returned to private life.

Thursday 6 June Sunday 11 August Saturday 31 August Here they recorded for the first time a bonus track with electric guitars and bass. Thursday 16 May In contrast with other 'medieval' bands, which often restrict themselves to a few instruments like bagpipe… read more.

schelmish aequinoctium

Saturday 20 April Friday 23 August Saturday 11 May Wednesday 5 June Friday 5 July Friday 27 September Mente Capti is the sixth studio album, which was released in July Tuesday 16 April Today though they are rather oriented towards Aequinoctiuj Rock. Monday 3 June Monday 29 July Thursday 12 September Tuesday 9 April Sunday 23 June Saturday 6 April Thursday 26 September Monday 10 June After 25 years, Warped Tour makes some noise for one last time Cshelmish.

Since this recording, Luzi das L has been a member of Schelmish, while Baccata left for health reasons.

schelmish aequinoctium

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